Blahdy typical


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Forum Supporter
It's the welsh invasion this weekend and I've got the worst bloody headcold I've had in years. It's so bad it's affecting my balance.
I'm really, really not happy
Unless I recover quickly I'm going to have to do a barftone and come by car :eekicon: :eekicon: :eekicon:
Hope you feel better Mike, they can be a nightmare to shift. You have a day when you think it might be on the turn then wham your just as bad again the next day!

Don't risk the bike if you are unwell, go by car with a nice heater and keep yourself healthy otherwise you'll just set yourself back. :thumbsup:
Thanks Craig that's the plan.

Whisky will probably help :thumbsupanim:
Lord Vader said:
Does that mean you even grumpyer than normal? :lol-015: :lol-015:

Might be, there again it probably means drinking all your booze to make me feel better :thumbsupanim: :thumbsupanim: :thumbsupanim:
What;'s this. Give the boss a hard time forum

Russ. You will have to lead by example in the future. We are all doomed