New Google Maps

Link much appreciated Kjell, I can't stand the latest version, Google messing for no reason again...
steveR said:
Link much appreciated Kjell, I can't stand the latest version, Google messing for no reason again...

Unfortunately it is in the very nature of being a computer geek that you feel the need to justify your existence by changing (i.e. effing up) any interface that customers are happy with and actually works.
Got to admit i struggle breathing let alone working this bloody computer thing out !!! and when "google earth" changed i had a total Brain fart why why why why ????

But i quite like it now :vomit-1:
And now rejigged, magic ! :grin:

And yes, I had fun telling Google what I thought of their revamp....

Ta again.
steveR said:
I had fun telling Google what I thought of their revamp....

The the is Google is run by robots and nerds who are wired the same as robots so any feedback is useless - apart from giving you a warm feeling inside