Wanted Tax disc holder


Staff member
Forum Supporter
We still have to comply with the archaic practice of displaying a tax disc here in the Republic. So, now that you chaps over in the UK have no need for your tax disc holders, would one of you kind souls care to sell me one?

If it's a decent one that is actually waterproof, then so much the better.

I will, of course, reimburse any postage costs and remuneration is possible in almost anything negotiable.

Ta in advance.
I've got one and you're welcome to it - It used to grace the Transalp, and seemed to be watertight!

PM me your details and I'll send it on its way :ride:
I've got loads sitting gathering dust . . . . . . but none are waterproof. Never had one that was waterproof - I used to fablon the disc before stuffing it into the holder.

Your welcome to them if your not too concerned about "waterproofness". Let me know :thumbsup:

Steve T
