Tick. Toc... Oh, it's here!

Dee Dub

Active Member
The Death Star and X-Wing have gone. :(

Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce...
{drum roll}
The Green Goddess!




A post-delivery ride to Rhossili, just to scrub the new tyres a little. :ride: The Worm's Head in the background.

Well that’s a surprise. I do like big Kawasakis, especially if they’re green

I thought I’d mention you need to tidy up your signature now cos it’s wrong. :ride::ride:
That's a cracker Dave. I do like the look of that one. Can't wait to see it in the flesh.
Cheers! In some ways it's somewhat equivalent to my old Varadero: road-oriented, good for long trips, yet still okay on the crappy back roads we have around Wales. (You may have similar roads elsewhere, but that's local knowledge!) The Versys's airflow management is remarkably good; I've been spoiled by the big BMW, and a bike that creates turbulence would be a come-down. I'm missing the central locking, though.