A massive thank you


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Forum Supporter
Guys, not often I am speechless, but last weekend was the best ever, hope you all enjoyed it.
Don't know where to begin, suffice to say that I am very honoured to have such a fantastic bunch of friends

Firstly to Hudders who set it all up, thank you so much Simon, can't tell you how much I appreciate the effort you have put in.
To Debs for the wonderful cake, how did you manage that ??
Bob one leg for the great auction ( you should be on telly Bob ) ;)
Marc with a C for keeping my beers cold all weekend :p
The Don for keeping me on the straight and narrow and getting me the tickets for the game
Hudders and Austin for the awesome ride outs :thumbsup:
I know I can't mention all of you, but the great craic we had all weekend was something I will always remember. Great seeing the Lundun boys again :)

Carol and myself are both truly humbled by your collective generosity and we will make good use of the trip to Italy to watch the game.

Thanks once again, I can't wait for the next National :thumbsup:
Great to catch up with you John, even if it was only for a short while :thumbsup:. And, the ‘experience’ that is a "Boboneleg Auction™" will remain with me forever :happyspin:

Thanks to Hudders and everyone else involved in putting together the event (and the cake!). It was brilliant to see so many old faces (it’s 19 years since I joined xrv.org :eekicon: and 18 years since the inaugural Haggis Run :thumbsupanim:). @Whealie I’ll catch up with you next time…

…there is going to be a next time isn’t there?
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So where will the next one be? :)
oh.....interesting question.......waiting for the flurry of suggestions :) Hudders scratching his head in a "pensive" state ......new thread coming.....?
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Great to catch up with you John, even if it was only for a short while :thumbsup:. And, the ‘experience’ that is a Boboneleg Auction will remain with me forever :happyspin:

Thanks to Hudders and everyone else involved in putting together the event (and the cake!). It was brilliant to see so many old faces (it’s 19 years since I joined xrv.org :eekicon: and 18 years since the inaugural Haggis Run :thumbsupanim:). @Whealie I’ll catch up with you next time…

…there is going to be a next time isn’t there?
I got back from the pub and everyone said you had been looking for me but had gone. PigUgly and I were talking about that Stella Alpina trip. Definitely next time.