Here we go again.....

Another understated bike (classic?) Phil. Does it do a job and does it put a smile on your face? If it takes on on adventures or gets you to work and doesnt let you down then great. Never had one though.

It certainly does the job Tony and rather unexpectedly put a smile on my face. Not many adventures happening at the moment unless you count trundling across the M62 and up the A1. Too early to tell if it's going to let me down!

I remember doing a few trails many many years ago with XRV up in the Dales with Fewtrees & IanS - a brace of rufty tufty adv bikes tackling some gnarly tracks, lo and behold, at the end of one of the trails what did we see, only an old boy on a Dulls merrily phut phut phutting towards us!

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It certainly does the job for me, and the luggage capacity has aided an adventure or two. No names, no pack drill :whistle:

Last Friday, 270 miles round trip, easy peasy, and it even kept me reasonably dry in the rain when at speed (not quite so dry at low speeds though!)
Well, thats the Suzuki off to pastures new, a full engine service on the Dulls - that took all of 2 weeks off and on, fortunately all ok.

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