Man down - rubberchicken

I've seen you with that spanner. Remember, righty tighty lefty loosy. They don't go both ways. ;)

Thanks, anyway. Life's suddenly quite tricky when you can't lift a Ribena bottle... ;)
Michel - glad to hear you survived relatively unscathed :thumbsupanim:

Bikes can be rebuilt - you can't!!

Well done to Pete & Chris for stepping up and sorting you out :thumbsup:

Pete - STEP AWAY FROM THE TOOLS - you don't know what they are, and it would all end in tears if you attempted to use one :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Stormforce8 said:
Michel - glad to hear you survived relatively unscathed :thumbsupanim:

Bikes can be rebuilt - you can't!!

Well done to Pete & Chris for stepping up and sorting you out :thumbsup:

Pete - STEP AWAY FROM THE TOOLS - you don't know what they are, and it would all end in tears if you attempted to use one :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh yes i do, they are called "Fuckknows" and they do........... stuff :D :D
Lord McVader said:
Stormforce8 said:
Michel - glad to hear you survived relatively unscathed :thumbsupanim:

Bikes can be rebuilt - you can't!!

Well done to Pete & Chris for stepping up and sorting you out :thumbsup:

Pete - STEP AWAY FROM THE TOOLS - you don't know what they are, and it would all end in tears if you attempted to use one :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh yes i do, they are called "feck" and they do........... stuff :D :D
WOW swear filter is working well :D :D :D
i meant "Fuc kkno ws" :D :D
At least the Scottish Saltire was un damaged in the melee :lol:

Well done the kraut and the Lundunnerr :respect: ,good on you boys.
Will miss you at the National Michel, good luck. :cool:
Right, I'm home.

Anyway, what happened was that there was a big double decker coming towards me half on my side of the road, so while I was busy giving him a hairy eyeball I'd sort of missed that it wasn't the main road I was on, and mr double decker was actually going straight into the side road I was coming out of while the main road curved across my path. And right as I caught the "Give way" sign out of the corner of my eye, the center of my field of vision was suddenly filled by this little red Fiat 500.


Oh arrrrse.


Right into the passenger side of the Fiat. No idea what happened after that, I don't remember the flight. I hit the right front of the second car too, enough for some serious wing damage and a flat tyre. Can't piece together what happened there, but as you can see the rear of the bike is pretty stoved in too so it must've spun around a bit. Or something.

So that was my one hour riding a bike on UK soil. Bollocks...
Oh no! :( Poor Michel. Thankful that it wasn't worse!

Well done Vader and Whealie for the rescue job. Hope he's not in too much pain. Please pass on my wishes along with everyone that he recovers quickly.

Sorry to hear this news Michel. Rubbish start (and end) to the National weekend. Mend well and fast. And top marks to the Rescue Squad. Nice one, boys. :thumbsup:
Now that we know you're home and well, the piss taking can commence!

Bloody foreigner's coming over her and taking our job...wait, wrong rant. Bloody foreigner's coming over here and thinking they can drive on our roads, piss off back to where you came from!

Don't worry the piss taking had started yesterday already.

Rough night as expected. 6 hours of "sleep". Arms still floppy, right knee has started acting up as well. Still not a bruise in sight. Odd.
Your presence will be missed, hope your injuries mend fast and the bike repaired to your satisfaction.

Does this mean you'll have to wait another year for a Vader Full English - that sounds all wrong, you know what I mean
I did eventually have a lovely bacon sandwich, sometime around 4 pm. :)

But, yeah. Better luck next year. No idea yet on what bike that'll be. Or where, for that matter. Ullapool, anyone? :D

Thanks, by the way, for all the help and well wishes (and piss taking ;)), it means a lot...
Phil said:
As if coming off, totalling your bike and battering yourself up isn't enough, you then had to endure several hours with Vader.


Glad your fine Michel, bikes can be replace :thumbsup:

and that all is well with the motley Big Trailie crew.... in fine form as usual

my concern is for the chicken.....

you did have the sense to repatriate the fowl?

I am expecting to see ransoms and facebook pages and it appearing on the dark web in dodgy web sites :eek:
Phil said:
As if coming off, totalling your bike and battering yourself up isn't enough, you then had to endure several hours with Vader.


This made me laugh out loud lol
Nightmare....but your OK ish thank gawd! You wont be able to see Lowflyer forcing me to drink whiskey now......or the after affects! We shall drink to absent friends :thumbsupanim:
Barftone said:
Nightmare....but your OK ish thank gawd! You wont be able to see Lowflyer forcing me to drink whiskey now......or the after affects! We shall drink to absent friends :thumbsupanim:
I think you'll find he'll force you to drink WHISKY

That's a bit of a bugger Michel. I hope there's nothing worth having off the bike now his lordship has it. You did mention new tyres I believe.......