Self inflating mat v Airbed


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2014
For the past 5 years I have been using a Vango self-inflating mat which has been fine, it keeps me off the cold ground and is comfortable enough for me. Previously I was using various airbeds but found that I kept on rolling off them or they kept deflating during the night.

On a trip in February I decided to get another airbed as I wanted to make sure that I was well off the cold ground, guess what the bl**dy thing deflated and I had to blow it up twice during the night :rolleyes2:

So what do you use? at the moment I'm swaying towards another mat, perhaps a Thermarest if I can scape enough money together or should I just buy a better quality airbed instead of the cheap ones I've had before.
This reminds me of the Tesco airbed I bought in Plymouth to replace my delaminated mat during the 2008 National. Somewhere deep down in the box it came in was a note stating a max weight limit of 75 kg. That rules out most adults then? Don't think I need to mention I had a couple rough nights on it. :(
boboneleg said:
For the past 5 years I have been using a Vango self-inflating mat which has been fine, it keeps me off the cold ground and is comfortable enough for me. Previously I was using various airbeds but found that I kept on rolling off them or they kept deflating during the night.

On a trip in February I decided to get another airbed as I wanted to make sure that I was well off the cold ground, guess what the bl**dy thing deflated and I had to blow it up twice during the night :rolleyes2:

So what do you use? at the moment I'm swaying towards another mat, perhaps a Thermarest if I can scape enough money together or should I just buy a better quality airbed instead of the cheap ones I've had before.
Oih Hopalong give me a shout when you ready for a thermarest. I got a few for sale. Got the normal ones which fold down fairly small and the big fat one which obviously does not fold down that small. I used the fat one in Austria in the snow and was toasty warm :thumbsup:
Lord Vader said:
Oih Hopalong give me a shout when you ready for a thermarest. I got a few for sale. Got the normal ones which fold down fairly small and the big fat one which obviously does not fold down that small. I used the fat one in Austria in the snow and was toasty warm :thumbsup:

Can you send me some photos Pete of what you've got for sale? I'll PM you my email address :thumbsup:
boboneleg said:
Lord Vader said:
Oih Hopalong give me a shout when you ready for a thermarest. I got a few for sale. Got the normal ones which fold down fairly small and the big fat one which obviously does not fold down that small. I used the fat one in Austria in the snow and was toasty warm :thumbsup:

Can you send me some photos Pete of what you've got for sale? I'll PM you my email address :thumbsup:
Will do :thumbsup:
I have a down bag which while great if the down is allowed to loft is bloody useless where it is squashed flat and this happens on the bit you are lying on. If I then lie on an airbed I am frozen where I touch the bed. A thermarest on the other hand keeps me toasty warm.

May be different with a synthetic bag but for down I find airbeds freezing cold.
boboneleg said:
Lord Vader said:
Oih Hopalong give me a shout when you ready for a thermarest. I got a few for sale. Got the normal ones which fold down fairly small and the big fat one which obviously does not fold down that small. I used the fat one in Austria in the snow and was toasty warm :thumbsup:

Can you send me some photos Pete of what you've got for sale? I'll PM you my email address :thumbsup:
Pics emailed :thumbsup: :cool: :cool:
Boris said:
May be different with a synthetic bag but for down I find airbeds freezing cold.
Yeah, they do that...

This is where Expeds are excellent, but bloody hell they're dear.
Sorry tried thermarests etc and still go back to an airbed for comfort. You need to stick something airtight in the hole!
I find an airbed fine, I just use cheap back packing ones from go outdoors.

I put mine inside a cheap fleece sleeping bag liner, it stops you sliding off it and seems to stop the cold too.
Ask Wheelie- I borrowed his airbed for the Tuscany trip last year and it was really comfortable and warm (Belgium was bloody freezing), and at the risk of inciting bawdy comments it didn't deflate in the night either. It has some sort of down in it and an in built pump. :thumbsup:
Whealie said:
Mine is the Exped mentioned. Down-topped air bed.
We have the Exped synthetic air beds & much warmer that a normal airbed or thin self inflating mat, pack up small too & have a 5 yr warrsnty
Downsides; price & we have had a couple exchanged under warranty as they went porus.


sent from my 'phone
I am at that time of life that an air bed is a must, the drawback is the temp issue. I have tried various mats but they are not for me!! :)

Get a fleece blanket or even better a foam and foil mat and put it on top of the airbed, the problem as always is bulk, but that is why I ride a big V twin!! A comfy night is vital when travelling I reckon....
If you do a lot of camping its worth the extra for the Exped
Mikey said:
If you do a lot of camping its worth the extra for the Exped

And they fart and creak all night. Don't tell Geoff as if he had one along with his legendary snoring noone else would get a drop of sleep.
Well I'm on a budget so exped is out and I certainly don't want anything that farts and creaks all night, I can get that effect when I take my leg off :oops:

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