Today the Transrat visited




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winxp-master said:
Fek me that's the shortest ride report in the history of ride reports! you twat! :D

Hope you're having fun m8. :thumbsupanim:

OY, uncle Fester, that's " Sir Twat" to you
I agree with young craig shortest ride report ever. The Transrat is that Phil's old creation? If so nice clean Rims, no wax oil, ACF or tar in sight.
Ha ha , brilliant Stuart,

One more word than the first post. :D
Please keep us updated, really enthralling stuff :lol: :thumbsupanim:
outrunner said:
Nice pics Stuart, but I never had you down as a man of few words. ;)

Stick a keyboard in his hands and he doesn't say enough to make a sentence; stick a pint in his hands and he never shuts up! :D
Stu, are you heading north up the Med. try Granada then Sierra navada biggest hill in spain. It even has snow. and Where is the Guzzi. :beer:
OhJ said:
Stu, are you heading north up the Med. try Granada then Sierra navada biggest hill in spain. It even has snow. and Where is the Guzzi. :beer:

The Guzzi's at home in the shed, the Transrats the sort of bike that I feel safe parking most places, I recon that they'll steal what ever bike is parked next to it, cheers