Too late - map reading skills already gone

My daughter runs a Brownie pack. They recently did a night walk. She had a map and compass with her. As the parents dropped the Brownies off at the start of the walk one dad proceded to describe some of the finer points of map reading to her and gave her some tips.
She is a mapping geologist! She has produced about 200 geology maps of parts of the uk and abroad. She also features as the face of the Ordnance Survey in last OS years publicity campain.
When I asked her how she felt about the guidance her comment was "he forgot about magnetic deviation". I asked her if she told him what she did for a living and she said not as he was only being helpfull but another parent who is a colleague of hers was hardly able to contain herself as she watched on.
The point being is Brownies are still taught map reading in at least one pack.