Whisper it: The Dark Side and reliability

Dee Dub

Active Member
What are people's experiences with wethead (liquid cooled) BMW R1200s? Has BMW cured the drive shaft problems that plagued oilheads and hexheads? Any other problems?

I ask because I used to have an R1150RS that was very unreliable. I knew several other owners of oilheads and later hexheads that had loads of expensive problems. Is it time to forgive and forget?
Oilheads weren't (aren't) unreliable, I've heard very few reports of shaft related problems on them. or any other major problems come to that

yes they have there known issues but no more than any other bike

as for a 1200 Toilet, no thanks, I'll keep my "unreliable" 1150 :)
The problems were mainly with the final drives and was largely fixed by the latest air cooled gs12 - 2010 on. Having said that on my 2011 the FD oil always comes out coffee coloured so something is wearing in there but at 52,000 and rising it seems ok.

The WC 1200 seem to have developed a different set of problems - issues really - like crap paint, and breaking headlamps. A browse around the WC section of UKGSer is probably the best resource, but bear in mind for every problem bike there will be dozens that are issue free and go on to do very high mileage.
Ian Porter said:
Oilheads weren't (aren't) unreliable, I've heard very few reports of shaft related problems on them. or any other major problems come to that
Really? Almost every oilhead owner that I knew at the time experienced drive shaft failure - some of them more than once. Every three months something small would fall off my 1150, and every six months something major would break. I just couldn't afford the bills! OTOH, my Vara regularly destroys an exhaust seal and it requires hours of labour to replace it, so yes any bike can have its problems. S'funny how car drivers don't put up with problems though. My last two cars have done a hundred thousand miles and I don't recall a single failure.

Back on topic, good to hear that drive shaft is better on the wetheads. :thumbsup: I wonder if headlight problems are related to CANBUS or something?

I asked here 'cos I know I'll get fair, balanced answers.
I've had five and the only failure I had was the fuel pump controller thingy on my first ADV. No problems at all. The last one was a twin cam and was quite quick. On the other hand Vader will be along in a minute to tell you about the drive shaft failures on his first ADV.

I only changed to a Kawasaki to try to get the smile back in my biking. Is the smile back? Oh yes even though it can scare the crap out of me, but that's another story.
Hi Dave, I have never had any issues with any thing on my old 1150gs, or my first and second 1200gsa the first gsa done thirty thou. The second 25 tho both ridden off road, both dropped once or twice, both ridden through rivers, swamps and german austrial snow. No problems.
My wet dream ( head) is mental. I went for the model which has all the toys execpt key less entry and quick shift. Did not fancy these possible problems.
On a whole I get BMW to service her once a year to tick the box then every 4000 between services keeping every thing kushdy.
Come and have a go on her its brilliant.
I understand the W/C models suffer from a problem at the barrel/crankcase joint (corrosion?) and some engines have been replaced under warranty.
You need to look at the breakdowns in context. The number of bikes sold is enormous but you'll only ever hear the bad stories.
The lure is getting worse!!! I've always thought that 1000 cc was ample, but CMC Motorcyles has a K1600GT that looks just gorgeous. Yes, I know it's a leviathan, and pricey for its age. So I decided to look at reviews and owners comments in the hope that it would turn me off, but instead almost everyone confirms that it's simply a great bike.

I think I may need 'professional help'.
I was looking at one at the Bike Show last year and got talking to a couple of chaps that had them. They had nothing but praise for them unless 50mpg is your ultimate goal. I'd love to have a go to compare to my Wing but temptation might get the better of me. Good luck with the test flight David