Phil said:
Sounds like utter pi$$ poor service, hope you all get some kind of resolution soon...[/quo

Bloody understatement that Phil :confused:
After an afternoon of pestering the hell out of them via text, phone, email and social media we may have a result

I've got tracking numbers for me, Russ and Hudders.

They were only shipped today though and not when we were told.

Let's see if they actually arrive
Ooh, look what's just arrived


Sometimes complaining does pay off :)
Ian Porter said:
Ooh, look what's just arrived


Sometimes complaining does pay off :)
You pay for something, it should arrive - you shouldnt have to complain.
Good to hear you're sorted :)
You want to do what we do at work and fix an external jump start point so you don't have to uncover the battery?
XS904 said:
You want to do what we do at work and fix an external jump start point so you don't have to uncover the battery?

fitted as standard on the F650GS :)
XS904 said:
What about big bird?

big bird doesn't need jump starting

you can't ride a bike that's got no frame anyway ;)
XS904 said:
Don't worry, it will make a nice set of crash bars for the twin.....

nah, it's a BMW frame,

it'll not stand up to being dropped :)
Bump in the interest of science...
In reply to Mr Outrunner ?
Is it now at the top recent news I wonder??
In the interest of, well, interest. ;)

How does this kit hold up in practice? I see these sort of units all over the place now and some are looking a bit more dodgy than others. So other than being somewhat lacking in the shipping and being truthful department :lol: are the units themselves decent? How much grunt do these things pack, do you get a bit of cranking time or is it a wing and a prayer that it catches on the first turn?
I used mine the other week when Ruth's battery was flat after we came home from NZ.

It did the job with no fuss so I'd say it's OK as a product just lousy customer service from the supplier.
I have one from the local Costco. It will even start a 2.5 diesel in my camper van. Great bit of kit. Handy for the excavator/ dumper truck/ tractor if the batteries have run down.

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